£76,360 Raised by Bucket Collection – 2017 World AIDS Day Theatre Bucket Collection
Our World AIDS Day Annual Theatre Bucket Collection appeal was the first and original bucket collection appeal in the West End and 30-odd years later it still enables us to keep on doing what we do. The money raised will allow the Trust to continue working with our partners in the United Kingdom and Sub Saharan-Africa to provide education awareness, care and support for those living with or affected by HIV and AIDS.
£76,360 is the total raised for the 2017 appeal – there is more money from a couple of theatres still to be confirmed and banked, so watch this space for the final grand total!
Melanie Tranter, chair of the Make A Difference Trust said, “Once again we wish to say THANK YOU for the incredible generosity of the theatre-going public and all the additional effort put in by the wonderful theatre community supporting us. We could not do what we do without you.”