COVID-19 Vaccination of Citizens Who are HIV Positive
COVID-19 Vaccination of Citizens Who are HIV Positive
We want to help make sure that everyone living with HIV knows the information below to ensure they get the vaccine they deserve and to reduce the anxiety that exists out there. We hope this information will be useful for you and that you will spread the message if you are able to:
It is expected that the majority of patients will be invited for vaccination by their general practitioner. However, it is known that a small proportion have decided not to share their HIV status with their GP. Under these circumstances, HIV clinics should continue to engage with individuals and encourage and support them to share their HIV status with their GP. There are wider health benefits of this, beyond their HIV care or access to COVID-19 vaccination. In the event that the patient declines for this to occur, the HIV clinic should facilitate vaccination in accordance with Immunisation Against Infectious Diseases (the Green Book), most likely via a local vaccination hospital hub.
The Green Book (Immunisation Against Infectious Diseases) is clear that people living with HIV, at all stages of infection, should be offered COVID-19 vaccination due to the associated immunosuppression. These individuals, because of their underlying health condition, are part of cohort 6 for COVID-19 vaccination as defined within the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) guidance.
Best wishes from the MAD Trust Team.
Stay Safe. Keep Well. Stay Healthy.
You can read more from the following sources: