David Pendlebury Leaves MAD Trust
On behalf of the trustees of the Make A Difference Trust, we are sad to announce that David Pendlebury, founder of MAD Trust, and more recently our Charity Director will be stepping down as of January 2016. The Board and all the individuals involved in MAD Trust and its benefactors would like of thank David for all the work he has done over the past 25 years. His dedication and commitment to The Trust, in all its forms, has been unbending and it was with great sadness that we lose someone who has been a vital and integral force behind the charity. He is a dear friend as well as a valued colleague and I want to personally wish him every happiness and success in his return to theatre.
We will continue with the work started by David and we are delighted to announce that we have just approved a grant of £13,100 to the Waverley Care Children and Families Project and also £20,000 to Ubuntu After-School and Performing Arts Project working with children affected by HIV and AIDS.
With warmest wishes,
Melanie Tranter, Chair on behalf of MAD Trust