Our vision is a society where everyone can make positive choices about their own sexual health and wellbeing.

Our vision is a society where everyone can make positive choices about their own sexual health and wellbeing.
Every year we answer thousands of questions about sexual health through our website and publications. We help parents talk to their children about growing up, support health professionals, campaign for better sexual health services and fight for the rights of all young people to have high-quality relationships and sex education.

Vision and mission statements
Our mission is to champion people’s right to sexual and reproductive health and wellbeing through advocacy, campaigning, education and information.
Our values:
• FPA values integrity, equality and diversity.
• FPA values open and honest communication.
• FPA values high quality and innovation in everything we do.

FPA was part of an instrumental movement pioneering the rights of women and men to have the freedom to control their fertility through contraception. In 1930 we set up the National Birth Control Council with 20 family planning clinics ‘so that married people may space or limit their families and thus mitigate the evils of ill-health and poverty’.

Since then, FPA has contributed significantly to a social and sexual revolution which has changed and improved the lives of millions, including securing free contraception provision through the NHS since 1974.                            In 2013, sexual and reproductive health services in England experienced significant change with the implementation of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 transferring responsibility for public health to local authorities. We now operate in an environment in which funding has been significantly reduced. Following the success of the Teenage Pregnancy Strategy, there is also less of a policy focus on sexual and reproductive health, while the underlying threat to the abortion rights continues. In Northern Ireland, abortion continues to be legal in only very particular circumstances.
Sex and relationships education (SRE) is still not statutory in all schools and we continue to live in a society that can be embarrassed to talk openly about sex. Communicating information is a core aspect of our work. We have worked with the Department of Health, and more recently with Public Health England, to provide a comprehensive sexual and reproductive health information service to the public and professionals. The government digital-first approach has had a significant impact on the way we distribute information. As we embrace digital transformation we aim to continue as the leading provider of sexual and reproductive health information and ensure that no one is excluded from receiving high-quality information. As one of the leading sexual health charities in the UK we work for sexual and reproductive health and rights for people of all ages, encompassing contraception, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), pregnancy choices including abortion, sex and relationships education (SRE), sexuality, sexual wellbeing and pleasure.

This reflects the principles of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) Declaration of Sexual Rights, which states that having sexual rights adds to the freedom, equality and dignity of all people. FPA is the UK Member Association of IPPF.

Our work is underpinned by the principle that all citizens in the UK have the right to access high-quality information, education, and sexual and reproductive health services without prejudice.