At Mildmay we envisage a world where all people managing HIV can live a life in all its fullness. Our mission is to respond effectively to HIV and related health issues through specialised care, treatment, training, education and research. We aim to deliver services of the highest quality and constantly seek to improve through listening, reflecting, learning and action.
Magnet Theatre
Mildmay Kenya work to empower communities to deliver HIV health care services through support education and training. They work to reach key-affected, at-risk groups through a variety of projects that reach some of the poorest communities in hard-to-reach areas. Siaya county in Kenya is a poor region that falls far behind the national progress made in fighting HIV. The burden of HIV in Siaya stands at 24.8%. In the province where Siaya County is located, 6.2% of youth aged 15-24 are living with HIV. This is three-times higher than the national youth HIV prevalence rate.
“KAA RADA KUWA SMARTTA” project (an urban dialect expression meaning be careful, be wise) is an educational theatre project targeting Kenyan young people in Siaya County. The project uses performances and community theatre to raise awareness and understanding of sex, sexuality and HIV by retelling the true stories of young people. Through this engagement we help children and young people access HIV testing, treatment and sexual health services.
“KAA RADA KUWA SMARTTA” will increase the number of children and young people in Siaya county who access HIV testing and treatment and sexual health services. Performances will also promote diversity, compassion and understanding, and encourage networking between young people to advocate for better HIV and Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) in their area. Through theatre, we want to inspire young people to take action and speak up about barriers to HIV prevention, care and treatment in Siaya county
Our 26-bed London hospital specialises in rehabilitation, treatment, services and care for people with severe and complex HIV-related health conditions including HIV-associated brain impairment. Mildmay’s treatment is tailored to the individual and combines medical care and rehabilitation with a range of therapies. This multi-disciplinary approach means that over 80% of patients return to independent living on discharge from Mildmay.
We are also active in Eastern Africa specifically Kenya and Uganda and have reached around 110,000 people. Mildmay Kenya works to empower communities to deliver HIV health care services through support, education and training. Our work is focused in Siaya County which has an HIV prevalence of nearly 25%, four times the national rate. We targeted tens of thousands of young people and adolescents in this area with HIV prevention strategies and in the last year.
In Uganda we equip communities to meet the national health challenges posed by HIV by providing programmes including healthcare training and education, maternity and motherhood services, TB tracking and treatment, and support for orphans, vulnerable children and young women and adolescent girls.