Thank you to The Make A Difference Trust for their generous donation
We are delighted to report that we have received a significant grant from the Theatre Make A Difference Trust—aiming to fight HIV and AIDS one stage at a time—which will go towards our Medical Centre, part of our Community Centre building project.
Now… we are nearer our goal of having the funds to build our Community Centre
As well having the Clinic, this Centre will have a community hall and conference centre — a highly adaptable area with meeting rooms and study areas. Also an accommodation block & a cafe. We will then build an Arts & Skills Centre. As well as helping the community, this project will provide us with a hub for our charity’s various activities. The children will have an after-school study space, and a computer centre.
Our Adult Learning Groups will no longer have to meet under a tree! Our Self Help Women’s Micro-finance Groups will have a home and our school leaver students will be able to learn skills and crafts for getting them employment, which is the goal of our Educational Programme.
Children of Uganda (UK) Newsletter Autumn 2018