MAD COVID-19 Hardship Crisis Fund – PLEASE DONATE NOW

MAD Trust COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Fund – to help those on stage & behind the scenes get financial assistance

How Your Donation Will Help:

The Make A Difference Trust’s COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Fund is helping entertainment professionals meet coronavirus-related expenses and other challenges brought about by the evolving pandemic.

In launching this fund the Make A Difference Trust donated an initial £5,000

Together we can make a difference.

The Make A Difference Trust
TheatreMAD: Fighting HIV & AIDS One Stage At A Time

Pease Donate


APPLY FOR HELP – MAD Hardship Fund – Coronavirus COVID-19 Crisis

The Make A Difference Trust has launched the MAD Trust COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Fund specifically to assist people in the Theatre Industry who have supported us in our fundraising:

For people in the theatre industry who have helped this charity on any of our fundraising shows who meet the criteria below, we will look to provide small pockets of financial assistance up to £200 to meet unexpected expenses that will cause hardship. This is available to those who are experiencing hardship due to theatre closures as a direct result of Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.

Criteria to apply:

  • The Crisis Fund will prioritise those who have helped the Make A Difference Trust in their fundraising events including West End Bares, West End Eurovision, A Mad Drag Night, West End Christmas, MAD Cabarets and West End Bares Calendar.
  • The Crisis Fund is designed to support those who are active working members (or recently active working members) within the West End Theatre industry. This can be in any aspect of the industry including Performance, Front of House, Back Stage and Stage Craft.
  • The Crisis Fund is there to support unforeseen emergencies and should only be used when all other avenues have been considered (including, but not limited to: Requesting Mortgage Payment Holidays, Universal Credit). The Fund cannot replace statutory funding.
  • The Crisis Fund is designed to provide support to those industry members who are experiencing unexpected financial distress due to Coronavirus COVID19 and has been asked to self-isolate or their employing theatre has closed due to the Coronavirus or government requirements

If you wish to make an application to this fund, please download and complete the application form:

CLICK HERE for The Make A Difference Hardship Crisis Fund Income Request Form *

then email it back to 

* Please Note:     

• If you need to install the FREE Acrobat Reader DC software that will allow you to easily fill-in this application form and save it, simply go to

• Click on “Download Acrobat Reader” (Do not click on the options for Chrome Extension or the Optional Offers).

• Double click on the downloaded “readerdc_uk_***_install.exe” file to install the free software.  NB you MUST click save or save as to save the details you have entered on the form.

• Once Acrobat Reader is installed you can safely delete the installation file that you downloaded.

HIV & Covid-19 The Facts

If you are living with HIV and have an undetectable viral load and a good CD4 count (i.e. >400) then you should not be at any greater risk. If you are living with HIV and have a low CD4 count and a detectable viral load then it is important to take additional precautions such as avoiding situations where you might get exposed to the virus as it becomes more widespread. If you feel that you either have COVID-19 or have been exposed then it is important to follow the latest Government/NHS advice.
Source: Dr Michael Brady – Sexual Health and HIV Consultant at King’s College Hospital and the first National Adviser for LGBT Health.


 Coronavirus: Guidance for Better Mental Health
If you feel it could be helpful for you or someone you know, please click the following link for information:

Peer Mentoring

If you are living with HIV and working in the theatre industry Make a Difference Trust and Positively UK offer a new peer support service.

If you have just found out that you are HIV positive, you may feel overwhelmed, fearful and alone. We want you to know that you are far from alone.

If you are living with HIV you may need help managing treatments, dealing with sex and relationships, feeling better about yourself, or you may just want someone to talk to – this new service could be for you. And because all our support staff and mentors are living with HIV, we probably know what you’re going through because we’ve been there too.

We are offering one-to-one and group support and the opportunity to take part in social events around central London.

For further information please contact Chris at Positively UK on:

Positively UK
020 7713 0444

Are You Positive?

Are You Positive? is a 30-minute HIV and AIDS theatre in education play based on 3 true stories written and directed by LA based Professor Larry Heimgartner and is followed by an interactive Q & A designed for students and young people.

• Theatre in Education HIV awareness play that debunks myths, teaches the facts and challenges the stigma.
• The play has three actors who share their experience with HIV/AIDS as well as breaking down the facts and stats of what it means to be HIV positive in the UK today.
• All stories are true and come from interviews with people living with HIV.
• ‘Are you Positive?’ Covers sexual health, LGBTQ safe sex, and is always followed by a Q and A with the actors and facilitator.
• Q and A offers a safe space for the audience to ask any sexual health or HIV questions, it is also a great opportunity for theatre students to ask the cast questions in relation to Applied Theatre and working in the industry.

If you would like to arrange a performance of Are You Positive? at your school please use our Booking Enquiry Form at the bottom of the page. Or if you have any questions please email  or contact the MAD Trust office on 0207 231 9719.